Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Americans expect a king not a president

One of the major problems leading up to this recent government shutdown is the American people's ignorance of how our political system is supposed to work.  For some time now Americans have been electing a legislative president instead of an executive one. Presidential candidates today make all kinds of sweeping promises about social reform and economic issues just to get elected when the reality is that many of those promises cannot be fulfilled through the office of the President. 

The real power of the presidency is in foreign affairs. We should primarily be electing Congressmen and Senators for domestic issues, and our president should be to protect our nation from foreign threats as well as to run the federal government as Congress directs.  

In today's elections Americans are expecting a king not a president. They put a man into the presidency expecting sweeping change and when that change doesn't happen they feel cheated. The truth is no president is capable of enacting all the promises they make during their campaign days because the Constitution doesn't allow it. Americans need a better education on the proper role of government and what exactly a president is capable of doing for them.