Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Americans expect a king not a president

One of the major problems leading up to this recent government shutdown is the American people's ignorance of how our political system is supposed to work.  For some time now Americans have been electing a legislative president instead of an executive one. Presidential candidates today make all kinds of sweeping promises about social reform and economic issues just to get elected when the reality is that many of those promises cannot be fulfilled through the office of the President. 

The real power of the presidency is in foreign affairs. We should primarily be electing Congressmen and Senators for domestic issues, and our president should be to protect our nation from foreign threats as well as to run the federal government as Congress directs.  

In today's elections Americans are expecting a king not a president. They put a man into the presidency expecting sweeping change and when that change doesn't happen they feel cheated. The truth is no president is capable of enacting all the promises they make during their campaign days because the Constitution doesn't allow it. Americans need a better education on the proper role of government and what exactly a president is capable of doing for them.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Is Republican Corruption Responsible For ObamaCare?

     One of the biggest threats to the freedoms that the Constitution of the United States grants us is an unhappy populous. If we as a nation choose to ignore the needs of a large number of Americans it will be the cause of the downfall of the American Dream. 
     Our Constitution, like it or not, was created on Christian principles and ideals, and if we as a people do not provide for the needs of the poor and downtrodden, then the poor and the downtrodden will do whatever they can to fulfill those needs for themselves. 
     For several years now the Republican Party has been stuck in the back pocket of corrupt corporations and industries, and as a result they've allowed wars and Wall Street to dictate the flow of the Federal Government. Republicans have ignored the needs of the common American people and have instead focused on big progressive Right Wing agendas. America has failed to hold accountable the individuals in Washington and in the corporate world who have broken the law, and in many cases we have gone so far as to reward those people for their actions.  
     There are Conservative approaches to healthcare reform which would fulfill the healthcare concerns of the American people. But mark my words, if the needs are not met through a free and fair system, then the outcry for socialism and Big Government control will continue to grow louder and stronger.
    We can pass legislation that reduces costs and provides better rates for the American people. We can pass and enforce laws to punish businessmen and corporations which choose not to play by the rules. And most importantly we can purge the corruption from within the ranks of the Republican Party. 
     The influence which Socialism has within the United States is a direct byproduct of the corruption within the Republican Party! Conservative Christian Values are Correct Principles, and if we lived by those values the American people would have no desire for big Government intervention, but if the Republican Party insists on going down the road of corruption, scandals, unjust wars, and bailing out Wall Street and corrupt businesses we will soon see the end of the U.S. Constitution as we understand it. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Republicans need to be proactive

Like it or not the Republican Party has become known as "The Party of No" and needs to do something about this image fast.
Any political pundit can tell you that image and name recognition are at times the most important part of politics and the Republican party has a serious problem with Image right now.
The current debate about defunding ObamaCare is a great chance for the Republicans to turn the tables. If the House of Representatives could pass a Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government except for Obamacare prior to the Senate passing one which includes Obamacare then it would be the up to the Senate to shut down the government or not. We could then use this opportunity to claim that the Democrats are the ones who want to shut down the government over Obamacare.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Democrats Criticize Senator Lee For Following The Law

A Huffington Post article this morning criticized Utah's junior Senator, Senator Mike Lee, for threatening to shut down the government instead of funding ObamaCare. Likewise Democrats have characterized the Senator's stance, describing it as similar to a child throwing a fit when they don't get their way.

Here is this Conservative's rebuttal to such claims:

The law (ObamaCare), which the Democrats wrote, specifically calls for an employer mandate and an individual mandate (The supreme court describes this as a tax) at the beginning of of 2014. But for political reasons the democrats are trying to postpone the business mandated portion of the tax for another year. This is being done because they have several Senate seats up for re-election in 2014 which are already contested seats, but will be all but given away if the

What Senator Lee is doing could easily be described as refusing to break the law. Senator Lee, as well as others, are refusing to disobey the law by refusing to have ObamaCare be paid for through the nation debt anymore. We were lied to about how much it would cost and it is unethical to place this burden upon the back of our children, simply to pay for our selfish desires.

If the Democrats want to change the law they need to go through the proper channels.  No President has the ability to simply adjust laws according to their political needs, but this is exactly what President Obama is doing. Democrats realize that their re-election campaigns in 2014 will be at great risk if the costs of ObamaCare are transferred from the national debt over to the American people as the law calls for. They also know that Republicans will not vote for to delay the costs anymore. This leaves the Democrats only a few options; 1. The could obey the law and deal with the political consequences of doing so. 2. The could defund ObamaCare and admit that the program is a failure. or 3. Instead of following the law the can support the President's decision of postponing the "tax" of ObamaCare for another year, placing the responsibility of this cost onto our children.

Senator Lee should be praised for his stance! We need more Senators that are willing to take tough stands and say enough is enough. It is immoral to pay for our goods and services at the expense of our children.

Don't be surprised if you get to be 75 years old and are euthanized by your own children because you've left them with such a debt that they have no alternatives but to do so.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Are Republicans Always Right?

    I am so sick of Republicans attacking Democrats simply because they are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. If President Obama says something that is correct we as Conservatives should be grateful for it, we should be glad at least he's got one things right, and we should try to build upon the areas where we agree.
    Likewise we should be criticizing our own people for doing things which are inconsistant with conservative values. Bush had nearly full support of the Republicans throughout his entire presidency all the way up until he tried to force his and McCain's Amnesty bill upon us. However many of the things President Bush did were far from conservative values. We have Bush to thank for the TSA, no child left behind, and the NSA surveillance programs. We have Bush to thank for the economic crash of 2008 and the first set of bailouts that went along with it. In fact many of the things we criticize Obama for expanding were started by Bush.
    So lets be intellectually honest as Conservatives. If it's wrong for our opponents to do it it's wrong for us to do it.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

#Republicans criticizing #Democrats right now is like your filthy nasty neighbor complaining about your living room not being clean.
Let's clean our own ranks first and get back to Conservative Values before we start criticizing the left.

"Why behold you the mote that is in your brother's eye, but consider not the beam that is in your own eye?"

I'm a firm believer that the reason people run to the left for "Big Government Protection" is because they're running in fear from the false freedom the republican party offers!

Freedom without justice ends up as tyranny of the Corporations.
I reject both Republican Tyranny and Liberal Tyranny.

Restore our own morality and punish those in power who break the laws and people will once again flock to the Republican Party for the values and principles that made this county great.

Refuse to hold the corrupt politicians and corporation executives accountable for their crimes and you'll certainly end up with a Federal Government that controls everything.

If we can't be trusted as a party what alternative does the citizen have other than socialism?

If Conservatives are serious about winning this country back, we need to be serious about cleaning our own hands first. And that starts with morality and ethics in the family and in the business. How can we expect our elected leaders to act any differently than we ourselves do? This great country needs to wake up to the awful situation we are in and realize its our own unethical practices and corruption that has given progressive\socialism\communism (Call it what you will) legitimacy within our nation.

A Compassionate look at the Zimmerman case

    As Conservatives, and especially as Americans we should be very cautious when debating the #Zimmerman case. The only truth we really know about that night is that a good man and a good woman lost their son. Trayvon may or may not have provoked Mr. Zimmerman we truly don't know - but we can be sympathetic to the feelings and emotions surrounding this case.
    Let us stick to the argument that there wasn't enough evidence to convict George Zimmerman of a crime and leave it at that. We are sorry for the tragedy and wish the best for the families involved.    
    Emotional and knee jerk reactions should be left to the Left. We as Conservatives should be led by our principles not the latest fads or or trends, and when tragedies happen we should seek the most compassionate way to follow the law and care for those who are in need of love.

The Conservative Problem With Obamacare

    President Obama this morning presented a very eloquent, well delivered defense of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or what is better known as ObamaCare. In his address he brought out some benefits of the ACA that many Americans might not have been aware of. No doubt, like myself his speech will encourage other republicans and conservatives to once again express their dislike for the ACA. But unlike many of them I will not be baited into the debate of the positives and negatives of ObamaCare; I will instead take a moment to remind republicans/conservatives why we are opposed to even the very concept of ObamaCare.
    Imagine for a moment, if you will, having a neighbor who disapproves with the way you maintains your personal property. Perhaps you prefer a certain kind of bushes because of the shade they provide or you enjoy your fence because of how easy it is to maintain the lawn around it.
    One day this neighbor comes over and starts ripping up your bushes and putting in his own smaller version. he then begins replacing your fence with one he feels would be a bigger deterrent to unwanted animals.  
    As you come outside to see what is going he hands you a bill for the costs of the change and begins to explain to you all the "benefits" of his bushes and the "advantages" of the new fence. You in turn begin to express concern over the costs of the new amenities. You express your concerns about the so called "benefits and advantages" of the new features by pointing out that you wanted the shade the bushes provide, you don't mind the occasional squirrel, and your fence made it easier to mow around than the new one will. The two of you engage in this debate for a while with you pointing out  the disadvantages of his plan and him pointing out the disadvantages of yours.
    During your debate a police officer called by your wife shows up, and asks what's the problem? You explain what your neighbor has done and how his new fence and bushes are unwanted.
    Imagine for ha second that at this point the police officer tells you that your neighbor is correct. He say's, "his choice of bushes look better and the new fence is certainly nicer than your old one, therefore you need to keep the new landscaping and pay for the services your neighbor has provided."
    This story is used to help illustrate the problems I see with the ObamaCare debate, and the trap the Republican are getting into by debating the pros and cons of socialized medicine.
    In this story the neighbor represents the Federal Government while the policeman represents the U.S. constitution as interpreted by the current Supreme Court. What the police (Supreme Court) should have said to the neighbor (Federal Government) is this, "Get off this man's land you have no authority here."
    A major mistake the Republicans are making right now is they've chosen to debate ObamaCare based upon the benefits and problems of it instead of debating the real problem. It is not the proper role of the Federal Government to control the healthcare system of every American. Many Republicans appear to only be opposed to ObamaCare because of it's costs or other problems. They are in the mindset that if they could just fix some of these issues, ObamaCare wouldn't be so bad.
   Democrats knew there would be lots of problems with the ACA. They planned on it when they decided they didn't even need to read it. All they wanted was to get the infrastructure of the program in place. After it's implementation they can begin the process of tweaking it till it meets their expectations.
    Republicans are swatting at flies while swallowing a spider. Or to use the illustration above, they are standing in their front yard, debating the price of the new bushes and fence when what they need to be saying is "get off of my land!"
    Republicans are on the verge of accepting a socialized healthcare program provided the benefits of the program are acceptable to them.
    Republicans need to remember the problem with ObamaCare is not so much how much it will cost or what  extra discomforts it may bring, but rather the very idea itself is wrong; It is unconstitutional and contrary to the proper role of the Federal Government. If we get caught up talking about the negatives of the program, what will be our argument if those negatives are resolved? If we get caught up talking about the negatives of the program, the program will exist indefinitely, constantly being adjusted and enlarged always trying to improve the program.
    We as Conservatives should be encouraging our leadership to defund and repeal the ACA with no other option but that. If our representatives do not share this view we should replace them with someone who does.
    We should not be forced to live with a Federal Government that controls our everyday choices. Especially when those choices are what we choose to spend our money on, what doctors we choose to visit, and what medical treatments we choose to undergo.
    Republicans are falling into the trap of debating the pros and cons of ObamaCare as if this is a legitimate law, as if it's only flaws are those of costs and burdens placed upon the American people.
Instead Republicans need to return to our constitutional roots, focus on what made America great, and preach strongly against socialist programs.
    Enough is enough ObamaCare must go. We are not a Socialist nation, and I pray to God that we never will become so.