I have long held the idea that many in the Democratic party would define justice much the same way Thrasymachus did in Plato's Republic. They have always been willing to abandon justice when it suits their purposes. To them justice is nothing more than an advantage over their enemies. When justice suits them they honor it, but the moment it begins to work against them they abandon it as old fashioned or out of step. This is why Democrats always rally around their own ,defending their party members instead of abandoning them when a law was broken. And yet they're often times so eager to crucify their enemies for even the slightest misstep.
In recent years however, the GOP have become so desperate for power and leadership they too seem to be abandoning justice in search of power and prestige. No longer is justice a moral virtue honorable for it's own sake. It has become to many in the GOP a means to an end. A tool to maintain power, and to punish their enemies when needs be. But the moment it works against them or their supporters they "bail out" their friends, abandoning justice in the process.
This recent debate in Nevada between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Clive Bundy is a prime example of people abandoning the principle of justice out of a desire to see their own wishes fulfilled. We knew from the onset that Bundy had broken the law, and yet when the BLM took steps to punish him thousands of so called conservatives came to his aid without questioning who they were defending. Why? Because the government is the enemy and anyone that stands up to them must be right. Now in their defense, the BLM did over stepped its bounds and made the situation far worse than it should have been. But even with that, Conservatives should have been wary of rallying around someone who they knew had broken the law.
One of the core principles of conservative values is justice. This country was founded on the idea of justice. When justice is ignored by the masses it's called anarchy. Those who claim to love the Constitution better be very careful of who and what they are supporting - because anarchy will surely be the downfall of the Constitution- not its saving grace. If we allow our countrymen to take the law into their own hands, obeying when they see fit and disobeying when they feel morally superior we will head down a very dangerous road.
Communism and Socialism get their power through disobedience to law. When the people fear freedom more than they do the government's rule strong government intervention will oftentimes be the result. Sure, we love our freedom, but freedom cannot mean free to take advantage of others. It seams in recent years that's what many in the GOP have been supporting. Big businesses who prey upon the weak. Oil companies who are only concerned about the bottom line. And a Wall Street out of control and wreaking havoc on the world economy. These groups to not maintain Conservative principles. They are void of any moral code. And the ideas of justice and mercy are foreign to them. If we do not get back to enforcing the law and punishing those who break it I fear this country is on the brink of anarchy or worse - Socialism.
Very good article. Well said.